Online VS Offline Auctions (part 2)

I know this was briefly discussed in another article I made talking about the pros and cons of bidding for items online during auctions. However I never talked about the pros and cons of online VS offline auctions. It may seem to many of you as the subject, in which case you are free to move on but for all of you that are going to stay, hang out ’till the end of this article. It’s going to be quite insightful and good for you to know.

Let’s first of all set an exact and same price ticket on both the online and offline version of auctions so we can make it fair. It was mentioned for example that in online auctions, you get access to cheaper product. So the comparison can be fair and equal, what I will do is bring those two on the same level playing field.

I guess one of the main advantage of online auctions, is the fact that you can sit at the comfort of your own house and bid for a certain product. You don’t need to stand in line to get into the auction center, you don’t need to shout your lungs out to get the price you want, and you certainly don’t need all the noise that takes place at these events. You could be drinking tea in front of your laptop computer and enjoy the bidding process, monitoring the pricing of that specific product you are interested in. So you basically don’t even need to get out of bed. Online auctions are what I call “for lazy people.” 

What is the main disadvantage? Online theft…

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